For any of you who are bored, or even a little bit interested, here are 100 true/embarrassing/strange/interesting facts about me:
1.) I played soccer since age 4 until late freshmen year in college.
2.) The only other country I've ever been to is Mexico, and I absolutely loved it. I want to travel the world throughout my lifetime.
3.) I would be totally okay with being a missionary. Just picking up and going. I'm tempted almost everyday. I definitely want to spend more time in mission work at some point in my life.
4.) I have moved 9 times with my family, and 18 times total in my life.
5.) I played my first keyboard when I was 3 at preschool class. The teacher said I would sit in the corner and play the whole time. She told my mom to put me in music lessons. She did, and I haven't stopped playing the piano since.
6.) I play the guitar. Only the basics. But I like it.
7.) The first time I drove a car, I was 10 years old and my Dad would let me sit on his lap and steer the wheel. :)
8.) I am allergic to milk, gluten, and peanuts. Of the things I can't eat, I miss ice cream the most.
9.) I have a major case of "GERMAPHOBIA". I am a germ freak. Seriously. I hate, hate, hate germs. So much I have to wash all my dishes twice and still wipe them down before I use them. Every time I do my dishes, I have to clean my entire kitchen. I can't eat or go to bed without washing my hands. I sometimes think I can even "feel" germs crawling on me. I totally inherited this from my mother. And it's just the tip of the iceburg.
10.) I have never been in TRUE love until I met Ramses Mazon. He is the most amazing, perfect man for me. I couldn't have dreamed of a better guy. I am so blessed. Love you, babe. <3>
11.) I went to public school until 7th grade, I was home-schooled in middle school, and graduated from a private, Christian high school.
12.) I speak Spanish. And it's not just because my boyfriend is Latino. I spoke it even before I met him, okay. ;)
13.) Water is my favorite beverage. And it's pretty much all I drink. I hate soda.
14.) Too much sugar makes me instantly sick. Even the sight or smell of cakes, cookies, pastries can make me nauseas. I hate icing, candy, or anything too sweet. But oddly enough, I LOVE dark chocolate.
15.) The women in my family are ridiculous, but wonderfully fabulous. We all have this weird, mischievous, carefree sense of humor. And we don't care what other people think about it. We're seriously known to terrorize the cities of Louisville, Indianapolis, Cincinatti, New Salisbury, Oxford, and West Lafayette. :)
16.) I've been told my whole life that I wear all my emotions written on my face. This gets me in trouble sometimes. ;)
17.) I love to laugh. Literally, I laugh almost all the time. At anything, and everything. Even in really serious situations, sometimes I laugh just to ease the tension. I feel that if you can't laugh at life, you'll go insane.
18.) I was born in Atlanta, GA. And so was my sister, Chandler. We are the only two of my immediate family born out of the state. We're the peaches. :)
19.) My Dad is of the strongest, most determined and hardworking men I know. I love and respect him so much. My mother is the perfect homemaker. She is such a classy, lovely, persevering woman. My parents have been married for almost 25 years and I am forever grateful for the example of a happy, Godly marriage they have set for me and my sisters and brother.
20.) Something I am learning lately about myself is that I am very, very stubborn. Or "stubbornly nice", as my friends say. When I set my mind to something, I get it done. And if I can't find a way, I make a way.
21.) I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I am a very "black-and-white" person. My yes is yes and my no is no. You don't ever have to wonder how I really feel about something. I say it like it is. I've learned that honesty, although not always liked, is appreciated.
22.) Emotionally, I am pretty stable. I can be calm and collected through almost any situation. This is a learned habit. Yet, I can be kind of nuerotic if someone makes me open up that giant can of worms. Then I'm like a crazy bomb that just explodes in a mess of screaming, nonsense, tears, and hyperventilation. As my roommate so nicely puts it, "There's just this crazy inside of us that sometimes has to come out." So true.
23.) I still have a giant kid inside of my heart. I enjoy Veggie Tales, Dora the Explorer, and making silly faces with the kids I babysit. I love becoming their "big best friend." Playing with them and learning from the way they look at the world brings me a lot of joy. And it's a big stress reliever. That's why I love being a nanny.
24.) I was a gymnast for 6 years. I loved it until I had an incident where I almost broke my neck. Then my parents made me quit. Also, I admit I used to be a cheerleader from when I was a little girl until my Sophomore year of high school. Then I chose the exciting, but ridiculously insane sport of diving. I guess I couldn't get away from the whole jumping, flipping, flying thing. :)
25.) I also ran track for about 5 years. I started out as a mile runner in 7th grade, but quickly learned I hated long distance. I switched to sprinting and found my love for speed. In high school, I trained pretty seriously and really enjoyed the competitiveness and racing of the sport. The 100m dash was my favorite event.
26.) I am NOT a feminist. I have no problem admitting that women can't drive. We really can't. And although we are equal to men, we are NOT the same!
27.) Speaking of driving, my need for speed has gotten me in trouble a few times. I've had to take Defensive Driving class twice. But I swear the second time was not my fault!
28.) One day, I will drive a Lexus.
29.) I believe in the value and order of family. I believe it was instituted by God for a purpose and after Him and His church, is the next most important thing. Regardless of how other members of mine feel, I will always, ALWAYS fight for my family.
30.) The power of music is one of the most Divine revelations on earth.
31.) I don't believe in "ADHD", "ADD", etc. It's another way for drug companies to make money by fixing a problem parents created themselves. These "disorders" are simply a result from over-sugared, over-stimualted, over-caffeinated kids in this generation.
32.) I also think that the diseases that doctors diagnose people with after someone becomes really obese are all easy-way-out excuses. They label all of their normal obesity symptoms as "fibromylagia" or "diabetes". Lose weight, and your diseases will "magically" disappear! It's amazing.
33.) Apparently, I can offend people.
34.) I am a major nerd when it comes to school and I love it.
35.) I prefer to be colder when I go to bed and when I sleep, but I want to be warm when I wake up.
36.) I hate indoor lights and fluorescent lights. During the day, I prefer just natural light. And at night, it HAS to be dark. I don't mind noise, but I can't stand lights - any little bit of light bothers me. Since my eyes are such a light color, they are very photosensitive and too much light gives me headaches.
37.) I love to randomly run really, really fast. Especially in open fields, or down long hallways. It's a very freeing adrenaline rush. It's as close as we can naturally get to flying.
38.) I love to dance. I have been trained in all different kinds and styles of dancing. My favorite is any form of ballroom dancing. Of course I don't think it's really appropriate anymore with anyone but your significant other, but when I'm alone in my house and I crank up the music, it's one heck of a dance party.
39.) Growing up, I was a pretty rebellious kid. SHOCKER. Ha!
40.) I used to ride horses when I was younger. I had a white horse named Pigeon, but she died. So I then got a brown quarter horse named J.J. Then my parents made me choose between that and soccer, and I chose soccer. I haven't been riding in years, but I love it and want to do it again.
41.) My Dad is a cancer survivor. I admire him so much.
42.) My mom was a cheerleader and swimmer for most of her life. My dad played every sport imagineable, up to semi-professional soccer. All the kids in my family were born athletes.
43.) My littlest sister Annabelle looks exactly like me, only dark. She has really dark skin, dark brown hair, and brown eyes. She's my "mini-me".
44.) Every person in my immediate family has a different color of eyes.
45.) I like to pop and crack almost every joint in my body. It bothers my boyfriend. But it feels so good.
46.) I have my Series 6 and Series 63 license which allow me to sell Mutual Funds and Fixed Annuities in the state of Indiana, as well as retirement planning and financial portfolio reviews. I also have my Life Insurance license and worked in banking for two and a half years.
47.) I use to work for Starbucks and it was one of my most favorite jobs ever. Free lattes and food all the time, seriously amazing.
48.) I have a love-hate relationship with coffee. I'll get really addicted for about three or four months until I have so much it makes me sick. Then I quit for another three or four months and eventually start the cycle up again.
49.) I have this weird thing about breathing in polluted air. I cough and feel like I can't breathe. For example, when I spray my hairspray, I hold my breath and spray it in one room. Then I run out of the room and into an open hallway to catch my breath. If I feel like my bedroom is too stuffy I will open my window, even in the winter.
50.) I am the oldest child so I have this natural maternal nature. I also have a natural bossy nature, which I am working on.
51.) I am currently a nursing student in the RN program at Ivy Tech. I LOVE it. I am so excited about being a nurse. My goal is to get my Master's and be a Nurse Practitioner or Physician's Assistant. My ultimate dream would be to become a doctor, but we'll see about that.
52.) I used to be a music scholarship student at Indiana Wesleyan University. I really disliked the school, so I left after my first year of music school.
53.) God spoke to me last summer and made a direct way, through miracles, for me to go to nursing school.
54.) I LOVE to ride my bike.
55.) I love the ocean. Just simply standing in the tidal waves, I can sense a strong presence of God through His creation.
56.) My favorite color is blue. But my favorite color "scheme" is red, black, and white. It's so classic.
57.) I am an old soul.
58.) I've had every single color of hair at one point in my life. But I will never, ever color my hair again.
59.) I once had dread locks, I once had corn-rows, and I once had extensions. I had phases.
60.) I don't hate anybody. Their is power and peace in forgiveness.
61.) I truly try to love everyone. Life is too precious, and too short to not show everyone a smile, give them a hug, and let them know you love them.
62.) I would do anything in the entire world, anything at all, for any of my family members or friends.
63.) I'm a really compassionate person.
64.) I love sunny days and stormy nights.
65.) Even though I'm grown up, the summer still gives me a youthful, exciting, and free feeling.
66.) I'm a major control freak. I get anxious if I'm not organized, on-time, scheduled, or planned out.
67.) I hate medicine. I refuse to take medicine unless it's life threatening or the pain is over-bearing.
68.) I have a major fear of trains. I will never ride one. I'm also scared of bridges. I hate driving over them.
69.) I am addicted to my cell phone. I always have it with me and I text constantly.
70.) My life is: go, go, go crash. go, go go, crash. go, go, go crash.
71.) I am fidgety and constantly have to be doing something. I can't stay still. Multi-tasking is fun and easy for me. I have to multi-task.
72.) I never forget my blessings. I am so blessed, always. Regardless of any circumstances, God is good.
73.) I almost joined the National Guard in 2007.
74.) My church is filled with the very best friends I've ever had. My spiritual family has shown me God's great love and I am forever thankful.
75.) I'm kinda hyper.
76.) I almost moved to New York last year.
77.) I don't really like Indiana, but I know I'll stay here because of my family and church.
78.) I'm a city girl. I love the city. The country makes me nervous. One of my favorite cities is Chicago.
79.) I've always wanted to be a rockstar.
80.) I used to do a lot of acting growing up. I took acting lessons and did a few plays in the city, and show choirs with my school.
81.) I'm abidextrous.
82.) I absolutely love the Theatre.
83.) I only ever wear high heels. I am too short to wear flats, unless they're boots.
84.) I'm a health freak, yet ironically I am a huge insomniac.
85.) It takes me a while to wake up in the morning, usually a couple of hours. I don't like to talk to anyone in the morning. I don't like noise or light. Only breakfast.
86.) I like old, french style homes with hard-wood floors, big stair cases, lots of windows and a huge veranda.
87.) I always have too much going on in my life. I have a hard time saying no to the millions of things I want to do. This isn't ever good for me, but I never care. I will find a way to do it all and I refuse to fail at anything.
88.) Animated children movies crack me up.
89.) I'm a numbers freak. I love math. I'm always counting, calculating, budgeting, etc.
90.) I love playing board games. Card games are fun, too... especially Uchre.
91.) Whenever I'm sick, I diagnose myself. And I'm usually right.
92.) I love to draw, paint, and sketch. My mother is an excellent artist and went to art school.
93.) I really enjoy doing crafts and making creative things.
94.) I love meeting new people and creating new frienships. It's nice when people know your name and know your face. I think everyone has something to learn from everyone else.
95.) I have a spontaneous spark. I like to just get in my car and drive somewhere. Or get people together and road trip. Take a vacation. Just do something crazy, dangerous, exciting... I like the thrill.
96.) I want to learn more languages.
97.) I have no respect for hypocrites to Jesus' name, liars, fake people, gossip-starters, and those that always take the easy way out. I don't care what you've done, where you've came from, your background, heritage, or anything else... just BE REAL.
98.) I want to go to IBC and get a Theology degree when I finish nursing school.
99.) I've been through a lot in my life. Without God's mercy and grace, I would be dead. But I can now see how He orchestrated every detail to bring glory to Himself and to save me and bring me where I am today. Without these struggles, I wouldn't have the ministry I have now set before me or the heart I have to serve the Lord. Because of what He has done for me, I am strong and grateful. I am completely satisfied with the sacrificial Christian life, and praise God everyday for His love towards me.
100.) Most importantly, I love Jesus. And when I say love, I mean I live, breathe, believe, teach, practice the Christian walk of faith. More specifically, I am Apostolic. I'm so grateful for God's gift of salvation and His Spirit and Truth that He has revealed to me. I love being a part of His kingdom work and am humbled everyday by His goodness and faithfulness to me. Nothing can compare to the deep, deep love of Jesus. He is my everything.
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