This whole "modern Christianity" thing is an oxymoron. I think it's good to be modern to relate to your generation and have practical Biblical application, but when your "modernizing" of the faith begins to undermine Jesus as God, then it becomes destructive. Some people make Christianity a trend or fad. They sell shirts saying "Jesus is my homeboy." To those of us who have a personal relationship with Jesus as Saviour, that's a bit offensive. Secondly, I've heard "Jesus is your best boyfriend." Boyfriend? What about with guys, then who does Jesus become? Jesus is NOT a romantic figure. Yes, we fall in love with Him and He gives us perfect love, but equating Him with the loose term "boyfriend" is desensitizing. WE are the BRIDE of Christ. Our covenant with Him is serious, with marriage (NOT puppy love) being an earthly example. And thirdly, Jesus is now a corporation. Many entities make money off of retail or events by stamping the "Christian" label or being affiliated with something else for the wrong reasons. They have lots of Christian "merch" that conforms to the patterns of the world to make people want to buy it. They even sell a "Christian" revolver.... what is that?? The kingdom of God needs financial support, and tithing is essential, but when your heart motive in living out the faith is to get money or to sell things, your heart is in the wrong place. We are here for souls.
So to clear all this up, let me just say: JESUS IS GOD.
He is the only One. The Great I Am. He is God. He is more than just the "son of God", in an earthly sense as we interpret that phrase in English. His sonship role (as manifested in the flesh) was for us - to save us and be our Redeemer on the cross. In the new Heaven and new Earth, He will be seated on the Throne - the ONE THRONE. (Revelation 4:2) We worship Jesus, we pray to Jesus, Jesus is God. His name is the name that is above EVERY name. John 1:1 says in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was WITH God, and the Word WAS God, and verse 14 states that this Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Therefore, if that Word was God and is God, and that Word became flesh, than that Word is Jesus. So, Jesus is God. There are people who need to stop underminining the divinty of Christ and get back to the Bible. Colossians 2:9 says "For in Him [Jesus] all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form." ...ALL THE FULNESS! In the name of Jesus, there is POWER, there is STRENGTH, there is HOPE, there is JOY, there is PEACE. He is the Living Water, the Bread of Life, the Alpha, the Omega, the FIRST, the LAST, the beginning and the end! He gets ALL the glory, because HE IS GOD.
There is one body and one Spirit... one hope; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all. (Ephesians 4:4-6) In Him [Jesus] we live and move and have our being. Everything is to Him, for Him, by Him, and through Him. He is the only way, the only Truth, and the only Life.
You don't need a "homeboy", you don't need another fad, another trend, another T-shirt, or a "boyfriend". What you need is a Saviour. A Redeemer. A Messiah. A God who saves you, loves you, guides you, and gives you blessings abundantly. A God of grace and mercy. Without having Jesus, you have nothing. He is everything. When you realize, accept, trust, obey, and live out this fact -- Jesus is God -- it will revolutionize your life.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
I have the best husband

my husband is so wonderful. he is so sweet, yet so strong. he leads me and guides me, always protects me and respects me. he gives me the best love, the sweetest kisses, the most relaxing massages anytime I ask, and always encourages me in everything I do. I am so blessed. He is truly my best friend, my soul-mate, the man of my dreams. I love you Ramses Mazon!
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